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Bowen Calibre K207 (P) [BWNK207]

Bowen Calibre K207 (P) [BWNK207]

Purchased for $70,000 in 2016, and currently owned in partnership with Bowen Poll Herefords. We believe Calibre to be one of the most complete bulls seen to date. This bull combines soundness and an unrivalled carcass to be highly relevant in any beef breeding operation. First progeny to be offered in 2019. Homozygous Poll (PP 98%)


Click for Pedigree and EBVs

  • 8154
Yalgoo Knickerbocker L205 (P) [SODL205]

Yalgoo Knickerbocker L205 (P) [SODL205]

Purchased for $18 000 from the 2017 Yalgoo on property sale. Knickerbocker is a real carcass bull, noted for his doing ability and muscle pattern. A bull with great eye placement, skin and hair type. Knickerbocker is a sire that we selected for his extra performance and domestic trade suitability.

Homozygous Polled PcPc

Click for Pedigree and EBVs

  • 4307
Mountain Valley Karabar K203 (AI) (ET) (P) [SBDK203]

Mountain Valley Karabar K203 (AI) (ET) (P) [SBDK203]

Purchased as a yearling in 2015 for $22, 000. Karabar is a sire with a bit of extra growth, length, and weight. Progeny to date has been all class, demonstrating great thickness through the hind quarter and evenness of coverage. First sons to be offered in 2018.

Homozygous Polled (PP 98%)

Click for Pedigree and EBV's

  • 4212
The Ranch Marksman H14 (P) [DLRH14]

The Ranch Marksman H14 (P) [DLRH14]

Purchased in 2014 for $14 000 from the Dubbo National Show and Sale. Marksman was selected for his mobility, strong carcass and cosmetic attributes. His progeny is noted for their consistency, functionality, and style. Progeny to date have sold to $16 000.

  • 4383
7 June 2018

Injemira Anzac L170 (P) [IHSL170]

Purchased from Jarrah Cattle Company for $25 000

Injemira Anzac L170 (P) [IHSL170]

Purchased as a used sire from Jarrah Cattle Company in 2018 for $25 000. Anzac is a bull backed by both pedigree and performance. This sire has an exceptional set of EBVs, carcass attributes and structurally is very sound. A bull that should add some real performane and quality into our program.

Homozygous Polled (PP 98%)

Click for Pedigree and EBVs
