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Tycolah Lynwood H184 (P) [TPCH184]

Grand Champion bull EKKA 2013. Retained by Tycolah PHS as a sire.

Robyn Holcombe 0 3239 Article rating: No rating

A quality sire, retained by Tycolah PHS in 2013. Lynwood is a bull with real class, mobility and correctness. He is a sire that provided outcross genetics in our herd, but maintains the strong carcass and cosmetic attributes on which our program is so heavily based.

Click for Pedigree and EBVs

Injemira Anzac L170 (P) [IHSL170]

Purchased from Jarrah Cattle Company for $25 000

Robyn Holcombe 0 3923 Article rating: No rating

Purchased as a used sire from Jarrah Cattle Company in 2018 for $25 000. Anzac is a bull backed by both pedigree and performance. This sire has an exceptional set of EBVs, carcass attributes and structurally is very sound. A bull that should add some real performane and quality into our program.

Homozygous Polled (PP 98%)

Click for Pedigree and EBVs

Injemira Anzac H006 (P) [IHSH006]

Sold for $45 000 to Jarrah Cattle Company in 2014

Robyn Holcombe 0 3819 Article rating: No rating

This sire is a proven breed changer, combining phenotype with EBV performance. Rayleigh were loosing bidders on H006 in 2014, and have since used him as an ET sire in our program. He is a trait leader for numerous carcass and indexing values on breedplan, which follows through as length, butt shape, and spring of rib in the flesh. A bull that has sired top end lines in numerous studs to date.

Homozygous Polled PcPf

Click for Pedigree and EBVs

Yavenvale Benchmark B278

Robyn Holcombe 0 3673 Article rating: No rating

Purchased in 2010 and used for 5 years. Benchmark was an eye appealing, correct, low birth weight bull with a great topline and very smooth shoulders. Benchmark boast an amazing set of EBVs, with birth weight, rib, rump and IMF fats all in the top 5% of the breed.  Progeny have proven to be very easy doing cattle, that consistently produce offspring of the highest standard, making his genetics invaluable in our stud.

Click for Pedigree and EBV's